Why Diabetic Eye Exams Are Important

Why Diabetic Eye Exams Are Important

Why Diabetic Eye Exams Are Important

Diabetes is a condition that occurs due to the body’s inability to regulate blood sugar. It usually affects various parts of the body and can cause damage to the eye’s blood vessels. The damage can lead to vision issues such as blurriness. It can also cause eye diseases such as macula edema, cataracts, and retinopathy. Regular eye exams can help protect vision and detect eye problems in the early stages.



Causes of Diabetic Eye Diseases 



Diabetic eye diseases are complications that arise from having diabetes. They are usually caused by high blood sugar that damages blood vessels in the eyes. Individuals with uncontrolled high blood glucose are more likely to develop the disease. Other risk factors include:


  • High blood pressure.
  • High cholesterol.
  • Smoking or using tobacco products.
  • Having diabetes for a long time.
  • Being over 50. 
  • Pregnancy.



Symptoms of Diabetic Eye Diseases 



Most people do not notice symptoms, especially in the early stages of diabetic eye disease. Those who experience symptoms complain of changes in vision, blurry vision, poor color vision, and seeing floaters. 


Other symptoms are flashes of light and vision loss. It is vital to visit an eye doctor if you experience any of the symptoms. The doctor can check and diagnose eye diseases during an eye exam. Treatment is recommended depending on the stage of the disease. 



Diabetic Eye Diseases 



Getting regular diabetic eye exams and managing diabetes can help protect vision and prevent eye diseases. Eye conditions linked to diabetes include:


  • Diabetic retinopathy.
  • Diabetic macula edema.
  • Cataracts.
  • Glaucoma.



Why Diabetic Eye Exams Are Vital



Over 30 million people with diabetes have a high risk of developing eye complications. Diabetic eye diseases usually affect people who have been living with the disease for a long time. Routine diabetes eye screenings can help detect the diseases before they present symptoms and when they are easier to treat. Many eye diseases do not exhibit symptoms in the early stages, which can lead to vision loss. 



During a Diabetic Eye Exam



A diabetic eye exam is simple and painless. It can help check the patient’s eye health. It allows eye doctors to treat eye issues early before they cause problems and eye complications. Screening usually includes a dilated eye exam where eye drops are administered to widen or dilate the pupils. 


It allows the doctor to get a better view of the inner eye structures, which helps detect potential problems. The doctor will also examine the patient’s vision, eye pressure, eye muscles, and response to light. The exam results will determine the next step.


If you have a diabetic eye disease, the doctor can recommend changes in your diabetes management. Maintaining or controlling blood sugar levels helps protect eye health. You may also need to schedule more regular exams to monitor the condition. 


Eye doctors often recommend various treatment options to treat the diseases. Treatment options include using medications, laser therapy to destroy new blood vessels, and eye surgery. Surgical options include cataract surgery and vitrectomy.


For more about diabetic eye exams, visit Eye Carumba Optometry at our San Francisco, California office. Call 415.360.6900 to schedule an appointment today.

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